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Update: 2013/5/20      View:
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Physical properties
Crystal Structure:           Rhombohedra Hexagonal Single crystal
Chemical composition:     Al2O3
Purity:                              99.99%
Specific gravity:               3.99 - 3.98
Mechanical properties
Hardness:                         Mohs9, Knoop ≥1700kg/mm2
Modulus of elasticity:       3.5X106 to 3.9X106kg/cm2
Compressive strength:     2.1X104 kg/cm2
Tensile Strength:             1.9*103 kg/cm2
Thermal properties
Melting Point:                  2050℃
Softening Point:               1800℃
Specific Heat:                   0.18 ﹝at 25℃﹞
Thermal Expansion:         6.7*10-6 ∥C-axis 5.0*10-6 ⊥ C-axis
Chemical properties
Acids and alkalis attack:    no attached by acid or alkalis, attacked by HF at 300℃
Electrical properties
Dielectric Constant:          7.5 to 10
Electrical Resistivity:         1011Ω/cm at 500℃, 106Ω/cm at 1000℃, 103Ω/cm at 2000℃,
Optical properties
Refractive Index :              1.769 // C-axis,1.760 ± C-axis   at 0.5893μm
Visible Light:                      Excellent
Infrared:                          85% 0.75 - 4μm, 70% 4.7μm, 50% 5.2μm
Ultraviolet:                         80% 0.4-0.3μm, 60% 0.28μm, 50% 0.2μm
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